Snakes are just as much a part of the native terrain as possums, frogs or birds. If you see a snake and wish for it to be removed you need to watch it from a safe distance (at least several metres) and contact a licensed snake catcher.
Wildcare Inc does not offer a snake removal service or snake awareness courses. Please see contact detail below for Snake call outs.
Snake Call Out (Darwin to Noonamah) 1800 453 210
Chris Peberdy, Reptile Wrangler* (Darwin and rural areas) 0409 326 307
Reedy’s Reptiles (Katherine and Tindal) 0407 924 252
Alice Springs Reptile Centre (Alice Springs) 0407 983 276
*denotes this is a voluntary non contracted service
Venomous snakes
King Brown
The king brown or Mulga snake is probably one of Australia’s most well known venomous snakes. It is the second largest venomous snake in Australia, and capable of producing large amounts of venom.
Western Brown
The Western Brown snake, or Gwarder, is a very fast, highly venomous snake. It is not uncommon for it to climb small shrubs or trees. It also hides in crevices and under rocks, and in urban areas can be found under rubbish or tin piles.
Northern Death Adder
Northern Death Adder venom is strongly neurotoxic. They are sedentary and have a reputation for not striking until they are actually touched. Active mainly at night, they are often trodden on by unwary walkers.
Most common non-venomous snakes
Water python
The Water python is a non-venomous python species. Despite its common name, many individuals are found far from water for most of the year. It is usually nocturnal, seeking shelter during the day in such things as hollow logs, riverbanks and in vegetation. The temperament is docile and most will not attempt to bite.
Carpet Python
They are largely nocturnal, climbing trees and shrubs as well as crossing open areas such as rock faces, forest floors and even roads. However, basking behaviour is commonly observed. This species is non-venomous and is an important predator that kills prey via constriction.
Keelback snake
The Keelback, also known as the freshwater snake, derives it’s name from the keel shape of the scales on it’s back. The eye is large with a round pupil. It rarely grows over one metre and feeds mainly on amphibians and small lizards. It is also one of the only snakes that can eat Cane Toads, up to a certain size, without effect.
Children’s Python
Children’s Pythons grow to an average length of about 75 cm, with a maximum of 1m. They are known for their smaller size compared to other python species and they are agile climbers on rock faces, small shrubs and across the ground, but do not venture into large trees.
Golden Tree Snake
The golden tree snake grows to 1.5m in total length. The species is non-venomous and when cornered the neck and fore-body are vertically fl attened to show the blue skin between the scales and they sometimes produce a foul smell. The golden tree snake is active during the day and has a diet consisting of mainly frogs and lizards which are swallowed alive.
Mostly harmless but venomous snakes
Moon snake
Moon or Orange-naped Snake is a small harmless, although technically venomous, snake that attains a maximum length of 75 cm. It is nocturnal and feeds on lizards. They are widespread throughout the Northern Territory.
Secretive snake
Secretive or northern small-eye snake is as its name suggests, a secretive nocturnal snake that hides under ground litter, logs or rocks during the day. The secretive snake is venomous, with dogs being highly susceptible to the venom.
Banded Tree snake
The Banded Tree Snake, also known as the Night Tiger (because of its large yellow eyes) or Katherine Brown, has distinctive red-brown bands across its entire length. It can grow up to two metres in length. This species is rear-fanged and a venom reaction may occur in some people.
Find more information about snakes here.
A big thank you goes to Chris Peberdy for all information and images!