Things You Can Do To Protect Our Wildlife

- Keep the yard and garden clean. Don’t leave open containers that birds, reptiles and other wildlife might get caught in
- Remove cane toads. Note: The eggs, tadpoles, and toads are all highly poisonous
- Check the pool daily as wet birds are unable to fly out and even frogs can get caught on slippery sides
- Put in steps or shadecloth to help
- Indian mynas and sparrows are a pest – if you see any report them to Parks and Wildlife
- Use natural pest controls to prevent killing off insect eggs and caterpillars that may be food for wildlife. If using poisons to kill weeds, make sure they are not seeding
- Remove weeds and plants that could invade local bushland and compete with native vegetation
- Remove fruit from introduced plants
- Keep cats and dogs inside, especially at night
- Build a cat run or a cat proof fence to keep your cat in the yard and keep dogs in an enclosed yard
- Provide sufficient food and shelter
- Identify your cat with a collar and put three large bells on the collar to warn wildlife
- Desex your cat
- Never feed a stray cat unless you intend to care for it as a pet
- Build a cat proof area for wildlife
- Help friends and family to look after their cats and dogs to protect native wildlife
- Train your kitten / cat to be an indoor cat
- Feed pets inside and collect uneaten food so that lizards, small mammals and carnivorous birds are not attracted too close for your domestic animal to attack
In your backyard
We are extremely lucky to have such a diverse group of native birds, mammals and reptiles living in our backyards.
Living in harmony with wildlife is easy and rewarding. If you find any injured wildlife call Wildcare Inc on 89886121.
More tips about water, shelter, plants, pets and ponds.
To do list
- Remove cane toads. The eggs, tadpoles, and toads are all highly poisonous.
- Keep your garden clean. Don’t leave open containers that birds, reptiles and other wildlife might get caught in.
- Check your pool daily as wet birds are unable to fly out and even frogs can get caught on slippery sides. Put in steps or lay a piece of shadecloth over the edge to help them escape.
- Remove fruit from introduced plants that is spread by birds.
- Indian mynas and sparrows are a pest – if you see any report them to Parks and Wildlife.
- To avoid harming wildlife, use natural pest controls to prevent killing off insect eggs and caterpillars.
- If using poisons to kill weeds, make sure they are not seeding as birds & insects will still eat the seeds.
- Remove weeds & plants from your garden that could invade local bushland & compete with native vegetation.
- Don’t feed wildlife as they become dependent and maybe even a pest.
- Containers should be shallow for bathing.
- Water should be kept clean for drinking.
- Baths should be built as high off the ground as possible, 1.5m or more, to prevent cats.
- Don’t cut down branches with hollows – leave them for birds, possums and other wildlife to use.
- If you do need to remove a branch with hollows, re-secure it to the tree.
- Create sunning spots on rocks sheltered from the wind for butterflies and reptiles.
- Hiding spots for lizards and snakes can be made using half buried rocks and mulch, fallen branches and loose bark.
- Plant local native trees, shrubs & grasses. Native plants feed birds, mammals, butterflies & bees. When planting native plants consider the flowers, nectar, seeds and fruit.
- To provide a constant supply of food, choose plants that fruit & flower at different times of the year.
- Shrubs are important, providing shelter and protection for small birds, mammals and lizards & provide protection so animals can move safely around your garden.
- Thorny shrubs can provide protection for wildlife from cats & other predators.
- Try to recreate layers of trees, shrubs and ground covers as found in the bush.
- Replace lawn with garden beds using natural mulch. This provides home for beetles and worms – food for birds, lizards, snakes & other animals.
Ponds – creating a frog friendly habitat
- Position the pond away from neighbours, frogs can be noisy.
- Use native plants – they attract insects for the frogs to eat & provide shelter.
- Build the pond with high outer sides to prevent access for cane toads.
- Use small native fish such as delicate blue eye that prevent mosquitoes breeding but do not eat frogs eggs.